Sunday, October 9, 2011


In a about 22 days or so, NaNoWriMo will begin. What's that, you say? National Novel Writing Month. It's an intense month long endeavor to complete a 50k word novel. November is the month. The writing takes place in your home, coffehouse or library--wherever just you or you and participating friends gather. So, on your marks (take your seat before your computer), get set (place hands on the keyboard), Go (start typing--on November 1). Checkout the website at : Are you up for the challenge?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Perfect Fit by Naima Simone

A Perfect Fit (Fairy Tales Unleashed) This book is hot! I want the fairy tale if my prince is as "Fiore-ously" sexy as Darius and my Cinderella as strong, yet feminine as Rowyn. This is book 2 in the Fairy Tales Unleased series from Breathless Press. Check out Naima Simone's other books on her website,


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