Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Musing

There are fifteen days to NaNoWriMo. Their website says it is "30 days and nights of literary abandonment!" Thirty days of writing at least 1,667 words per day to meet the grueling goal of 50k words.

I've tried NaNo before and am not afraid to admit I did not reach that lofty goal of 50k words. I fell short midpoint with about 25K words. I felt good about the point I reached although I had to fight my inner editor all the way. We argued daily until I finally relented and edited. I was disgusted. She was triumphant. I have a new strategy for her this year. *rubbing hands together, snickering gleefully*

I'm told you can train yourself to do just about anything in about thirty days of constant repetition so this year I plan to gag my inner editor. I figure even though I might not win NaNo again this year, and the plan is to win, at lease my inner editor will be sufficiently trained for me to write without her constant nagging to edit and revise my work in progress.

So what about you? Will your inner editor behave? Will your muse be cooperative? All of these questions will be considered beginning November 1 and answered midnight, November 30. Are you up to the challenge of NaNo this year?


  1. Alicia, I'm green with envy! I've always wanted to try NaNoWriMo but always seem to be involved in a project I can't walk away from when it comes along. Currently that's pre-edits on the latest for my publisher and a WIP sequel for WEATHERING ROCK that is already 10,000 words along. I think if I did try, my biggest hurdle would be turning off my inner editor. She often wrangles my muse into submission.

    I hope you will be posting updates to your blog on how you do. I will have to enjoy the experience through you! :)

    1. I'll give NaNoWriMo my very best this year. The goal is to get beyond 25k.

  2. Hey I don't know if I've been looking at some other blog, but you've got lots of stuff going on here, Alicia! Two or three blogs then? I could swear I was on one that looked different than this blogspot one and the wordpress one?? Aging brain confusion probably.


    Did you do it? Are you doing it? Hmm, you know I signed up for Nano once before -- I could use an extra push on getting my novella going. OH! I think I might jump in here and join you and all the rest of the dedicated NaNos!! So glad I popped over here today, Alicia. And, like Mae said, I'd loved to hear how you're doing with NaNoWriMo.

    (hope this doesn't show up as anonymous, as I had trouble (not your blog's fault) getting my profile to show up.

    1. Hi Venice. So happy to hear from you. Yes, I've started NaNo. I'm a slow writer, so I'm not very far along. I will be blogging about it probably on both Blogger and Wordpress and probably tomorrow. (They'll more than likely both say the same thing as NaNo is whipping my but right now.)



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