Sunday, May 31, 2009

Learning from Social Networks

I have found quite a few social networks that deal with writers, readers and publishing. They are very interesting sites. I have joined some of them. There are groups within these social networks with such sections as critique groups, newbie writer groups and specific genre groups. Some of these sites offer online workshops on a variety of subjects that I hope one day to participate in/attend. The opinions of the writers/authors that have "been there" and "done that" is very enlightening and encouraging to me--reading about their joy at being published and being able to give a release date for their work , inviting members of the site to read excerpts of their work (I'm excited for them and envious because I can hardly wait for my time) ; and, at the same time discouraging to me because of the frustration and nail-biting associated with manuscript submission and rejections (I am sad for them and hope that this will never be me although I know it will one day. I think you have to experience some rejection in order to appreciate the delirious joy of being published--especially traditional publishing). The writers on these sites give a lot of information about writing and publishing--whether traditional or self publishing. They give a lot of pros and cons for both kinds of publishing. There is a lot of information about marketing/promoting your published work like creating websites and blog posts that will draw readers to your sites. There are all kinds of forums and discussions about everything to do with writing. Being on those sites is kind of like releasing a child in a candy store and then telling that child to choose one item. Its almost impossible to know which way to go to make a selection (blog, forum, discussion or group) and which "item" to choose when you get there. I am learning so much and hope some day in the future I will be able to tell of my own delirious publishing adventure.


  1. Amén to that! To all of it :)

    I was also very glad to find out that the writing community is so "close" and so willing to advise each other. I love my writing "how to sites". I've also found the webpage of published writers to be absolutely enlightening. There are two websites I followed very closely: Jeaniene Frost and Marcia Colette. I just find their advise on writing refreshing and very "real". They will tell it like it is and they are so down to earth that they make the new writer in me feel like anything is possible.

    Continue enjoying yourself and must of all keep on writing!

  2. Jeaniene Frost is one of my favorite authors. I have not checked out her website fully, but I will. Thanks for the info. I have not read anything of marcia Colette yet, but I will certainly check out her website.

  3. Hello, Andycea. I'm stopping in to say hi and to let you know I was here.

    How was your week? I hope it was good.

    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Hi, Andycea.

    Thanks for following Color Online. Do chime in. Try your luck at our quiz contest and tell me more about your writing.

    Have a good weekend,



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